Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Saints Come Marching In

For the past week we have had an outpouring of support and help from family, friends, colleagues, friends of friends, neighbors of friends etc. They helped us find a rental, clean up the Todville house, clean the rental (I begged the landlord for keys early so he didn’t have time to clean or do any repairs), packed up what remained salvageable, unpacked at the new house, lent us a refrigerator, went grocery shopping to stock it, housed us and fed us. Luckily these folks are highly motivated self-starters, because I was seldom around – being either at the hospital discussing Kevin’s care with his Drs or on the phone with realtors or insurance companies. Those first few days were pure chaos for me. I went in circles multiple times looking for a path out of this disaster and would probably still be there if it weren’t for our dear friends. - THANK YOU!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!! I’ll never be able to thank you enough for helping me get my family settled again.

Kelden & I spent our first night in the new house last night and tonight Nick will have a bed too. Kev’s folks show up tomorrow to help me finish unpacking and my brother, Cale, shows up on Thursday to help out also.  For all of you who know Nick and his uniqueness of building/fixing/experimenting, you’ll understand how strong genetics really are. Nick is pure hybrid - not only does he get all these attributes from Kev, but my father could and did fix anything. We never hired anyone to repair or build anything in or out of our house when I was young. Even though he died when my little brother was 13, Cale is exactly like my father and Nick can’t wait to see him again.

Dave McCann is going to organize one last cleaning party this weekend at the Todville house if you’re available. Everything need to be out in the front for the collectors and segregated by appliances / household goods / yard debris. 

1 comment:

Terri said...

Do you need a tv? Terri