Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"If you are going through hell, keep going." --Winston Churchill

For the good news, Kev has turned the corner and is trending in the right direct. He's responding to the antibiotics well enough to get transfered to a regular room. 

I found a rental house today not far from our home and hope to have keys tomorrow or at the latest Friday.

I have sucessfully registered with FEMA as a homeless refuge and initiated a claim with our Flood insurance Co. Windstorm/Hail and Homeowners are still not answering their phones.

Long awaited pictures from Sunday's excursion:

A shipping crate washed up
what remains of Seabrook Sailing Club - totally guttedKemah

Nick loved all the combat-style police vehicles


Anonymous said...

Yikes ! On top of everything else, it looks like you guys are getting blog-spam too !

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, those pictures are scary! However I did notice that the garage Dad and I fixed came through without a scratch! Hmmm must be some good quality work. I hope you guys are hanging in there. Perfect quote for the tough times you're going through. Hang in there and please let us know if you need anything. Tom, Kathy and Henry.

Dave said...

I've recently been complaining that the weather up here in the San Jose area has dipped so cold that I have to wear a long sleeve shirt + base layer on my morning bike commute - and now after catching up on your epic I think I'll shut the F up :)

- Dave

You guys are a total family of hard men. I love the way Kevins dock remains standing.

Darrell said...

Kev: Your deck and dock designs are now officially hurricane-proof!
KDKN: You are in our thoughts. Please let us know how we can help.
Darrell, Linda, Renee, Jess

Anonymous said...

You know, if you didn't want Bob and me to come visit, all you had to do was say so instead of going through this elaborate storm thingy! Well, sorry to mess your little plan up but we're still planning on coming down. Just give us the all clear.
