Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Post Op

The surgery went very well and Kev is recovering just fine. He is alert and talkative and is moving around pretty well. They have him taking potassium, magnesium, antacids, antibiotics, steroids and his usual anti-convulsants and Vicodin is doing a good job of controlling the pain. (No chemo drugs for the short term). He did get a couple doses of insulin because his blood-sugar levels were a bit high. This is a side effect of the meds (and is probably exacerbated by his present diet which consists entirely of fruit juice, puddings, jello and ice cream!). He should be off the IVs tomorrow (Wed) and be coming home on Th.
This time around Kev had the idea of getting his hair cut short before going in for the surgery and it looks like it was a good plan. Instead of shaving the entire right side of his head they only shaved a strip along the cut. Once all the bandages come off, we'll get a good picture.
Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers!


azn8tive said...

So glad to hear that everything went well.

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT that everything went well. Pictures of the Colonel with reduced plummage would be great. Don't think I ever got to see the Kojak Kev.