Wednesday, June 06, 2007

MRI Results

Normally appts with the Neurologist these days are uneventful. He manages Kevs seizure activity and anti-convulsant meds. And since he has had no seizures since his brain surgery last August and his anti-convulsant meds hasn't changed since Dec (still taking 1000 mg Keppra twice daily) there is rarely anything to discuss when we meet. But today we had the new MRI results to look at since they weren't ready when we met with the Neurosurgeon on Tues. Unfortunately the results were not what we wanted to see. Kev has a new brain metastisis on his frontal lobe. It presently is only about 4mm and the Neurologist is not worried about new seizure activity since this part of the brain is not usually associated with seizures, but it does present other problems. For one, it pretty much disqulifies Kev from participating in any clinical trials for at least 6 months. In addtion, it's indicative the cancer is becoming more aggressive. Last time a brain metastisis appeared all other treatment stopped and the focus shifted to the brain. We meet with the oncologist on Friday and he is the one that will determine our next steps.

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