Thursday, June 07, 2007


On a more positive note, Kelden, Nick and I have decided to form a team and ride in the LIVESTRONG Challenge this October in honor of Kev.

The money raised funds the Lance Armstrong Foundation. LAF helps people with cancer focus on living. Their slogan - "We believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything" pretty much sums it up. LAF has been a tremendous help to us providing both practical and inspirational information.

Most recently Cancer supporters here in TX united together to get a Cancer Bill successfully through the TX house and Senate which assures a public vote in Nov and offers Texans an opportunity to approve $3 billion in general obligation bonds that would provide $300 million a year for cancer research in Texas. This is especcially important for us since there currently is no cure or even a standard treatment for Malignant Melanoma. And there is a direct coorelation in cancer research between money and cures. All Kev's treatments now have the same goal - to keep the disease stabilized long enough for a cure to be found. Please join our team, or if you can not attend the Ride, please support the cause by donating to one of our team members. Links to join and to each members webpage can be found on the team page:

Join the fight - Take the Challenge!

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