Monday, July 14, 2008

and more changes...

ANG1005 study is still on hold. Brain MRI shows increased growth from previous scan 20 days ago:
tumor within inferior right frontal lobe increased from 1.1 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm to now measure 1.6 x 1.3 x 1.4 cm.
tumor at right frontal vertex has increased from 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.7 cm to now measure 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.
the tumor within the right parietal lobe has begun to bleed since the last scan and a large hematoma (4.6 x 3.0 x4.9 cm) obscures the original tumor.
a small (0.48 cm) tumor is noted within the cerebellar vermis at the vertex.

The recommendation is to start treatment with a combination of Dasatinib and Valproic acid. They are both administered orally and are not experimental so there will be far fewer "observations" involved. However because they are not experimental we will have to pay for them and it is uncertain whether the insurance company will cover. So tomorrow we go back to meet with the insurance coordinator and get this all figured out. MDA is great for fighting with insurance companies.

Anxiety issues are well under control with a new perscription of Ativan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Deneen and Kevin,
I am sending many prayers in your direction that the new approach puts a strong stop to the tumor growths. Hang in there!

I am all signed up to join you for the Livestrong ride again this year! AJ and I rode in the ACS bik-a-thon in Philadelphia on Sunday! It was sunny and gorgeous day and after 65 miles we agreed that the only good wind is on your back (which was not the case for us)! On the other hand, the reasonably flat terrain was a big contrast to my recent cycling through the Tuscan hills. And, although the fields of NJ blueberries and corn made a pleasant backdrop on Sunday's ride, there is nothing quite as breathtaking and tranquil as the fields of sunflowers, olive groves and vinyards in Tuscany!

The Philadelphia ACS ride had a great turn out! We hope that every event like this makes a bit of a difference in the fight against cancer.
XXOO, Michelle