Thursday, November 09, 2006

I've been home for 5 days now

Deneen did a great job of statusing all the gorey details of surgery and post surgery so I'll skip it. If anyone wants to see scars you'll have to let me know. I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, it really helped my spirit knowing someone was out there thinking of me.

They let me go home Sunday. I could walk around the ward with a walker but still needed a little help getting into bed. My left quads could only move my leg an inch or so, but I was feeling pretty good and getting plenty of sleep.

It's amazing how fast the body recovers. I still have a long way to go but leg strength and mobility has come a long way and I think I might be able to make Don Pico's next Thursday if anyone is up for it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev - glad to see you doing so well; it's always easier when you are healing, as you feel better (more often than not) today than yesterday - and tomorrow will be better yet. You should know that there have been lots of prayers for you in arizona!